
(Subject to change)

All meetings will be held in the City Council Chambers at 2212 Beach Blvd.

Monday, October 8 (Regular Council Meeting)

Initial public hearing on the how the districts should be drafted.

Monday, October 22th (Regular Council Meeting)

Second public hearing on how the districts should be drafted.

November 5th deadline

Last day for the public to submit initial proposed draft maps.

November 10th deadline

All maps to be considered at the November 17th hearing must be posted online and available at City Hall.

Saturday, November 17th  (10:00 am to 12:00 pm)

Public hearing to solicit public input on the draft maps and proposed election sequencing.

November 19th deadline

Last day for the public to submit any additional draft maps for consideration at the Council’s November 29th meeting.

November 22nd deadline

All maps to be considered at the November 29th hearing must be posted online and available at City Hall.

November 29th (6:00 pm)

Public hearing to solicit public input on the draft maps and proposed election sequencing.

December 10 (Regular Council Meeting starts at 6pm)

Introduction of proposed districting ordinance.

December 17  (6:00 pm)

Second reading and final adoption of districting ordinance.